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Take your reading glasses everywhere. This thin design can clip to the back of your cell phone, in your shirt pocket or in your wallet! As thin as two credit cards and lighter than a nickel! Flex-grip technology reading glasses fit everyone.
Every year, billions of dollars are spent to engineer ever more beautiful, high-resolution displays for our computers and phones, but few have put the same kind of energy toward reading glasses resulting in little evolution since their invention late in the 13th century. Today over 30 million Americans buy two pairs of reading glasses every year.
If you struggle with tiny text, you can increase the font size on your cell phone’s screen—but then you’re restricted to a keyhole view. Because your cell phone is always with you, we set out to develop thin, comfortable reading glasses that fit on the back of your phone. We’ve filled the innovation gap so that now your glasses are always with you.
At ThinOPTICS, we figured that it would take six months of development to make these glasses, but instead, it took over 30 months. Our challenge was to make our glasses fit comfortably. Not for 90%, but for 100% of all users. As we developed ThinOPTICS, we tested hundreds of prototypes on thousands of noses. Because ThinOPTICS has to work as well as your cell phone does, every single time you use them.
Component materials such as nitinol (titanium alloy used in heart stents) and bulletproof lenses are used on THINOPTICS
ThinOPTICS are the only reading glasses durable enough to be backed with a lifetime guarantee that warrants your glasses against defects, workmanship and failures under normal use forever!
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